NBA, Basketball


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I would say we’re doing quite alright this season. Anybody making money off these picks?? What’s your pick of the day today? Comment below…

2016-2017 NBA RECORD (since 11/07/2016)

Top Pick of Day Record*
*team shown in featured photo each day

Units W L T Units %
5 43 35 2 40 55%
4 7 5 0 8 58%
3 5 3 2 6 63%
2 2 0 0 4 100%
1 1 1 0 0 50%
Total 58 44 4 58 57%

Overall Record

Units W L T Units %
5 74 58 2 80 56%
4 38 24 0 56 61%
3 65 61 3 12 52%
2 76 66 2 20 54%
1 164 160 9 4 51%
Total 417 369 16 172 53%

03/01/17 NBA PICKS

Team Spread Units
Atlanta Hawks -5.5 4
Boston Celtics 1 3
Houston Rockets 2 1
Philadelphia 76ers 9 3
Denver Nuggets 2.5 1
Detroit Pistons 2 3
New York Knicks 1.5 4
Sacramento Kings -2 4
San Antonio Spurs -10 2
Washington Wizards 4.5 4
Minnesota Timberwolves 6.5 2


Name Team Salary Status
Cousins, DeMarcus Nor 9800 OUT
Embiid, Joel Phi 7800 OUT
Love, Kevin Cle 7700 OUT
Lowry, Kyle Tor 7600 OUT
Gordon, Aaron Orl 5700 GTD
Matthews, Wes Dal 5000 OUT
Beasley, Michael Mil 5000 OUT
Parker, Tony SAS 4600 GTD
Faried, Kenneth Den 4300 OUT
Williams, Deron Dal 4000 GTD
Reed, Willie Mia 3700 GTD
Temple, Garrett Sac 3700 OUT
Barea, Jose Dal 3600 OUT
Afflalo, Arron Sac 3500 GTD
Noah, Joakim NYK 3500 OUT
Smith, J.R. Cle 3500 OUT
Meeks, Jodie Orl 3300 OUT
Watson, C.J. Orl 3300 OUT

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