Have been told neither Jeter nor A-Rod part of group trying to buy #Marlins. Both have expressed interest in ownership, ties to Fla/Miami
Naturally, that would be a great scoop if that’s the case. Makes a whole lot of sense if Jeter is involved in the deal, since there has been rumors about Jeter buying the team just over two years ago. And of course, it also makes sense for A-Rod to be involved in the deal since he’s loaded and he’s from the South Beach area.
The Miami Marlins owner Jeffrey Loria has reportedly sold the team to an unnamed New York real estate developer. The reported price tag is a whopping $1.6 billion. Loria ONLY bought the team for $158 million back in 2002. Boy did he get hooked up on that Expos deal. Dude basically ran two franchises to the ground.
Source: Yahoo Sports
Have been told neither Jeter nor A-Rod part of group trying to buy #Marlins. Both have expressed interest in ownership, ties to Fla/Miami
— Joel Sherman (@Joelsherman1) February 9, 2017