NBA, Basketball


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2016-2017 NBA RECORD (since 11/07/2016)

Top Pick of Day Record*
*team shown in featured photo each day

Units W L T Units %
5 15 14 1 5 52%
4 1 2 0 -4 33%
3 1 0 0 3 100%
2 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 -1 0%
Total 17 17 1 3 50%

Overall Record

Units W L T Units %
5 33 24 1 45 58%
4 14 9 0 20 61%
3 21 14 1 21 60%
2 26 20 1 12 57%
1 51 56 3 -5 48%
Total 145 123 6 93 54%

12/13/16 NBA PICKS

Team Spread Units
Atlanta Hawks -7.5 2
Minnesota Timberwolves 7 1
Cleveland Cavaliers -15.5 2
Golden State Warriors -11 1
New York Knicks -3 2
Portland Trail Blazers pk 2


Name Team Salary Status
Gasol, Marc Mem 7900 OUT
Conley, Mike Mem 6800 OUT
Oladipo, Victor OKC 5900 GTD
Holiday, Jrue Nor 6100 GTD
Evans, Tyreke Nor 6000 OUT
Vucevic, Nikola Orl 5900 GTD
Warren, T.J. Pho 5400 GTD
Biyombo, Bismack Orl 5200 GTD
Bazemore, Kent Atl 4600 GTD
O’Quinn, Kyle NYK 4400 GTD
Parsons, Chandler Mem 3800 OUT
Carter, Vince Mem 3700 GTD
Ennis, James Mem 3600 OUT
Pachulia, Zaza GSW 3300 GTD

6 thoughts on “NBA PICKS & NOTABLE INJURIES INACTIVES 2016-12-13”

  1. Hi George,
    Thanks for all your hard work. Your picks are golden. One question, how come the “Load More” button on the Basketball main page does not work? I like to see the daily picks before Dec 1st, but can’t. I remember last year you had page number at the bottom that allow users to check on historical picks. Again, thanks for all you do.

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